Join our Free Early Access with Clodhoppers Deathmatch
Make Cletus Great Again by joining Discord and Twitter and play Clodhoppers for Free!
With Clodhoppers continuing to be free during early access, we're inviting more of you to join our hosted sessions or to play with your friends. Grab a build for Windows or MacOS from itch or join Discord for the very latest work in progress version.
Tonight we’ll host at 10pm BST Friday October 4th and we’ll continue to be available throughout the weekend for anyone who wants to play. Simply join our Discord and ping @clodhoppers if you’d like to find other players, or ask your friends to join you.
These builds are our way of releasing in progress versions of the game during development, so you’ll notice the simplest possible front end. The latest build now supports multiple Cletus Clay skins, although the one you get depends which player number you are.
The latest Clodhoppers build supports 4 deathmatch levels and up to 8 players online, with customisable level options. Be sure to try bombs only from a 100% crates, or have a star wars style blaster only session!
If you’re not signed up to our mail list, sign up here for updates:
Meanwhile, check out some of our latest character art :)
Secret Extra - this claymation explosion took Anthony 4 days to make!